En dag ville vi ha litt forandring og bestemte oss for å dra til Içmeler. Det er ikke lenger unna enn ca. 7 km fra Verona Apart og til stranden i Içmeler. Vi tok taxi dit, det kostet ca. 25 tyrkiske lire (ca. 75 NOK). Içmeler har en sandstrand med finkornet sand, og det er lengre mellom solsengene der enn i Marmaris, ihvertfall på den tiden vi var der. Et fint lite sted, passende for den som virkelig vil slappe av.
One day we wanted some change and decided to go to Içmeler. It is about 7 km from Verona Apart to the beach of Içmeler. We hired a taxi and we payed about 25 Turkish lira (about 75 NOK). Içmeler has a sandy beach with fine sand, and it is a bit more space between the sunbeds there than in Marmaris, at least at the time we were there. A nice little place, suitable for those who really want to relax.
One day we wanted some change and decided to go to Içmeler. It is about 7 km from Verona Apart to the beach of Içmeler. We hired a taxi and we payed about 25 Turkish lira (about 75 NOK). Içmeler has a sandy beach with fine sand, and it is a bit more space between the sunbeds there than in Marmaris, at least at the time we were there. A nice little place, suitable for those who really want to relax.